Aesthetic Dentistry
- Since porcelain is prepared in a very thin layer, its light transmission and reflection is very close to the natural tooth, and thanks to this feature, it provides excellent aesthetics.
- It is sufficient to make a hole in your tooth only the width of a nail.
- No tooth needs to be cut (shrinked) more than necessary.
- Since the porcelain surfaces will be extremely smooth, it minimizes the stains and tartar formations caused by smoking and similar reasons.
- It is quite fragile materially. However, when it is fully adhered to the enamel, its resistance to tensile and tensile forces becomes very high. With its insulating feature, hot cold sensitivity does not develop.
- Zircon Dental Veneers
Since zirconium transmits light, it creates aesthetics very similar to natural tooth structure. Since there is no metal in its substructure, there is no dark line at the crown-gingival level. A more aesthetic appearance is provided. We prefer zirconium-based porcelains because they are aesthetic enough to be used on anterior teeth and because they are strong enough to be used on posterior teeth. These systems increase the quality of life of people.
Teeth whitening
Teeth whitening is an application with extremely satisfying visual results. Teeth whitening has no disadvantages in terms of dental health. The best example of this is that we, dentists, have applied teeth whitening for ourselves. Teeth whitening is applied to our patients aged 18 and over. Its effect is long lasting. There is no reversal of tooth color after whitening is applied. However, there are patients for whom we could not get results at a rate of 5% due to genetic reasons and drug use. Apart from these, detertrage (tooth cleaning) is sufficient to remove the effects of nutrients on the teeth after the procedure. However, if the individual wants to have it repeated, the procedure can be reapplied only after 2 years.
Veneer Crown Dental Veneer
Prostheses, which are popularly called veneers or dentures, are artificial teeth made to replace teeth that have been lost for various reasons or to eliminate aesthetic disorders, so that the person can perform chewing and speaking functions. Porcelain veneer is one of the main applications in order to save the main tooth.
Laser Treatment
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